It's been a while since my last post, but life got pretty crazy there for a bit. With 6 finals, packing to move for clinical, a friend moving to Arkansas, and saying goodbye to friends and family, I had quite a lot on my plate! Did I mention 6 finals?! In hindsight, everything went pretty well. I only made one "B" in wound care, but in my mind it was an "A". Come on, a 92% is an "A" in my book all day. Yet, my GPA says otherwise. Oh well, life goes on!
Now I am all settled in here in Springfield, MO. This past week was my first week of CE II(clinical education rotation 2) and so far so good! I love my CI and am excited to learn from her. She isn't much older than me, and I feel I can learn from her without feeling incompetent when I don't know all the answers. Everyone at the hospital has been really nice so far. From what i've seen, Springfield in general is a very nice area! I'm looking forward to the next 7 weeks!
While here, I am living with my aunt and uncle, who just moved here earlier this year. God's timing is amazing isn't it?! I've always been told I act just like my aunt, so much that I should be her daughter, and this past week we have found this to be Oh So true! Fun times and deep conversations have already been had and I'm sure there are many more to come. It's not to hard to have fun when you get pleasure out of the little things, duster slippers with a little dancing music to name one. ;-) Also, I've enjoyed to advice and life lessons i've received so far. Though sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes it's exactly what you need to hear! I can't wait to look back on this time and be thankful for all the advice I've been given! Week One lesson from Uncle Ron when speaking about a boy maybe/maybe not liking me, he says, "Have you ever seen the movie 'He's Just Not That Into You"' And though that hurts, it's just the plain truth. We sometimes fall for people that aren't there to catch us. In time, we can get back up, pick up our pride, and move on to bigger and better things. Until then, there's always my aunt trying to fix me up. =)
But really, I want to spend this time having 'Laura time' and get some things checked off my to-do list. Learning to play the piano, learning Spanish, painting, reading, and training for a 5K to name a few. That's all for now. I'm excited to see what the future holds!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fun with Friends
Last thursday, July 29th, I had a very fun-filled day. First a group of PT students met up and enjoyed the Traveler's game in Little Rock. They won 3-0! And after the game there was a diamond dig, in which any females could go to the warning track and try to find a hidden diamond ring. Due to other plans, we weren't able to stay for this event.
Me and my roomie(for the summer) Amber
This is most of our group at the Travelers game
Amber and I left the game after the 7th inning so we could meet up with other friends to celebrate Angela's 24th birthday. After a complete wardrobe change in the car, we went to meet up at Sway, a new danceclub in downtown little rock. We weren't there for long before deciding to head to our normal hangout, Deep. We had a lot of fun and danced the night away! I always have so much fun with these girls! I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends!
Mom's Birthday Weekend
This weekend we were able to celebrate my mom, Jennifer Jacks, turning 48! On friday evening, she chose to eat at Chef Lee's, a new hibachi restaurant in Pine Bluff. This was my parent's first hibachi experience and we all enjoyed getting to eat together. Below is a picture of my family: Leah, Dad, Me, Bo, and Mom, outside Chef Lee's. It was so good and we were stuffed at this point! Mamaw and Papaw also ate dinner with us, but they somehow escaped before we could get them in the picture.
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